As the 2024 Lok Sabha elections kicked off on Friday, US singer Mary Millben on Friday urged Indians to vote for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mary Millben said both the United States (US) and India are facing their “most important election”.
“As you head to the polls today, in the world’s largest democratic election, I want to encourage you to vote for Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” Mary Millben wrote on X.
“Just as we in the US are facing the most important election of our lifetime, so is India. The future of the country, its youth, its freedom rests on this election, you, your vote,” the US singer added.
Further praising Modi, Mary Millben described the prime minister as the “man of the people, who is fueled by faith and humility, leading to making sure every Indian citizen receives an opportunity to the Indian dream.”
“As I have shared many times publicly, PM Modi is the best leader for India, the US-India relationship, and the world,” she wrote on X. “His policies in infrastructure, technology, youth advancement, women empowerment, rural development and opportunity are just a few that speak to progressing India,” she added.
“Your best days ahead are secure with #PM Modiji and the BJP. Your days ahead will be uncertain under any opposing candidate or party. My warmth and prayers to my friend Prime Minister Modi. All my love to you India. A third term and vote for #ModiAgain2024 secures your future,” Mary Millben said.
In March, Mary Millben had praised Modi for his “compassionate leadership” over the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in India, saying that it is a “pathway to peace for Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists seeking religious freedom”.
Mary Millben’s comments came after the United States had raised “concern” about the notification of the CAA rules. The African-American singer, who went viral after touching Modi’s feet during his visit to the US in June 2023, had said that the US should aim to be a better democratic partner in tone when Modi is re-elected for a third term.
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